Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


July 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


26 July 2024: Added to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Archive:

DPFLP Proposals to the 8th Palestinian National Congress
The Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, by Gerard Chaliand
With the PDFLP, by Gerard Chaliand 1972
Internationalist Position of DPFLP
Present Tasks of the Resistance: DPFLP Proposals to the 9th Palestinian National Congress
DPFLP Women: Notes around the Question of Women's Liberation
The DPFLP on the 1936 Revolution
The DPFLP Enters its 4th Year
Interview with Nayef Hawatmeh on the DPFLP's International Position 1972
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


26 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

On the So-Called Market Question (Summer 1893) In PDF format
What the “Friends of the People” Are and How They Fight the Social-Democrats (Summer 1894) In PDF format
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


25 July 2024: Added to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Archive:

Founding Statement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 1967
Resistance Until Victory [Strategy for Liberation] 1969
The Military Strategy of the P.F.L.P. 1970
Skyjack: An Interview with Leila Khaled, 1970
Diary of a [PFLP] Resistance Fighter, 1970
The Popular Front and External Operations 1971
PFLP and the September Attack: An Interview with Ghassan Kannafani, 1971
"Hands off the Milita!" 1971
Tasks of the New Stage [Political Report of the PFLP's Third National Congress] 1972
No Longer a Refugee, by Leila Khaled 1972
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


25 July, 2024: Added to the Swedish Hal Draper Internet Archive:

Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution III - The "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", 1985. In PDF format.
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


24 July 2024: Added to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Archive:

The Political Report of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, [the August Program][document produced by elements of the PFLP who would go on to form the DFLP] 1968
Introduction to the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, by the Committees for Solidarity with the Palestinian Revolution, 1969
A Democratic Solution for the Palestinian Problem, by Nayef Hawatemah 1970
Towards a Democratic Solution to the Palestinian Question 1970
Interview with Nayef Hawatemah: For a Multiracial State in Palestine Intercontinental Press, March 9, 1970
Three Articles: Terrorism and Revolutionary Violence; the Role of the Party; the Leninist Struggle Against Zionism 1970
In Beirut Interview Hawatemah Fears Sell-Out of Palestinians Intercontinental Press, April 5, 1971
Interview with Nayef Hawatemah 1974
A Year's Struggle, A Year's Victories: On the Occasion of the Sixth Anniversary of the D.F.L.P. 1975
The Political Program of the DFLP 1975
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


24 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Paul M. Sweezy Internet Archive:

The Nature of the Soviet Society, 1975
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


23 July 2024: Added to the William Z. Foster Archive:

The Dies Committee: National Menace, from the Daily Worker, November 9, 1939
Text of Foster Statement, [on attack on Party meeting in Detroit] from the Daily Worker, November 11, 1939
Trade Union Unity, from the Daily Worker, November 23, 1939
The Soviet Union and the War, from the Daily Worker, December 1, 1939
The New Anti-2nd Front Line – Talk Up 'Big Casualty' Scare from the Daily Worker, January 17, 1944
Foster Reviews New Book on Hotel Union from the Daily Worker, June 30, 1944
Election Scene: Wendell Willkie at the Political Crossroads from the Daily Worker, July 7, 1944
Election Scene: Demagogy Can't Hide GOP Reactionary Aim from the Daily Worker, July 17, 1944
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


23 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

Stalin’s Last Word, 1953
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


22 July 2024: Added to the Earl Browder Archive:

Browder Tells Press Nazi-Tokio Pact Threatens World Peace, [Daily Worker, November 28, 1936]
Is America Menaced by Foreign Propaganda?, [Daily Worker, January 20, 1939]
The 15th Anniversary of Lenin's Death, [Daily Worker, January 21, 1939]
Unity of Western Hemisphere Attacked by Wall Street – Browder , [Daily Worker, February 4, 1939]
The Economic and Political Situation of the U.S. , [Daily Worker, February 15, 1939]
Browder Denounces U.S. Recognition of Franco Regime , [Daily Worker, April 3, 1939]
Text of Radio Interview with Browder in Denver, [Daily Worker, May 27, 1939]
What is the Road to Economic Recovery?, [Daily Worker, June 6, 1939]
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


22 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Paul Levi and Some ‘Lefts’ (January 1922)
Speech in Honour of the Communist International (November 1922)
Resolution on the French Commission (December 1922)
A Militant Labour Program for the French Communist Party (December 1922)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


21 July 2024: Added to the William Z. Foster Archive:

Books: 'American Labor' Fails to do Justice to the Theme from the Daily Worker, January 6, 1939
Foster Says R.R. Cut Stopped by Resolute Stand; Sees New Danger from the Daily Worker, January 17, 1939
Stop, Look, Listen! from the Daily Worker, May 2, 1939
Trade Unions and the Peoples Health from the Daily Worker, May 5, 1939
Forward the C.I.O.! from the Daily Worker, May 19, 1939
Amter's Election Would Challenge Reaction, Strengthen People – Foster from the Daily Worker, May 29, 1939
Green Tries to Split the Latin-American Labor Movement from the Daily Worker, June 15, 1939
World Labor Unity Must Blockade Fascism – Foster from the Daily Worker, July 3, 1939
Trade Union Unity: A Vital Political Necessity from the Daily Worker, July 8, 1939
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


21 July 2024: Added to the Swedish E H Carr Internet Archive:

The Legend of Bukharin (1974)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


20 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Pierre Broué Internet Archive:

The anti-model of Spain (1988)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


19 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Archive:

A Publicist’s Notes (February 1920)
To Clara Zetkin and Paul Levi (April 1921)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


18 July 2024: Added to the Cyril Briggs Archive:

To Be or Not to Be – Negroes, Daily Worker, February 19, 1935 Crusader News Agency Reaches 1,500,000 Weekly , Daily Worker, October 28, 1938 Biography of Robert Abbot, Founder of Chicago Defender, Daily Worker, July 18, 1955 'Strange Career of Jim Crow' – From the 1877 Betrayal to Today, Daily Worker, July 25, 1955 Welcome to Inner-Party Democracy!, Daily Worker, September 9, 1956 'Free world' Indifference to Bombs on Oman, Daily Worker, August 7, 1957
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


18 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Jean Longuet (December 1919)
On the Coming Congress of the Comintern (July 1920)
Summary Speech. (June 1921)
The Red Army to the General Staff of the Revolution (June 1921)
Speech on the Italian Question (June 1921)
Speech on Comrade Lenin’s Report: “Tactics of the Russian Communist Party” (July 1921)
Can a Counter-Revolution or a Revolution Be Made on Schedule? (September 1923)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


17 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

The causes and consequences of Bukharin’s rehabilitation (1988)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


16 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Marcel Liebman Internet Archive:

Bukharinism, Revolution & Social Development (1975). About Stephen Cohen's book about Bukharin.
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


15 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Paul Levi Archive:

Introduction to Trotsky’s Lessons of October, 1924.
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


14 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Brian Pearce Internet Archive:

The British Stalinists and the Moscow Trials (1958)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


13 July 2024: Added to the Swedish E H Carr Internet Archive:

The failed insurrection in Germany in 1923 (1954)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Zinoviev Internet Archive:

The Problems of the German Revolution (1923)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Clara Zetkin Internet Archive:

Resolution on Fascism, 1923
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Stephen F Cohen Internet Archive:

Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: (1973)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


10 July 2024: Added to the new Swedish C H Hermansson Internet Archive:

The path of the left (1965)
Ways to break the economic tyranny of the minority (1967)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


9 July 2024: Added to the new Swedish Per Nyström Internet Archive:

On historical materialism (1935)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


8 July 2024: Added to the Bulatlatan, the journal of dissident rank-and-file cadre of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) which documents a period of two-line struggle within the CPP.
Notes from the Underground, Book published by the Partido ng Manggagawa Pilipino (PMP) collecting the works of Filemon Lagman.
[Thanks to Simoun Magsalin.]


8 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party (March 1922)
The Communists and the Peasantry in France (April 1922)
From the ECCI to the Central Committee of the French Communist Party (May 1922)
Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party (June 1922)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 July 2024: Added to the Swedish E H Carr Internet Archive:

The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Vol. 3 (1953)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


6 July 2024: Added to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) Archive :

Statement of Dr. Agostinho Neto on the Military Coup D'etat in Portugal (1974)
Delegation of the MPLA Executive: Account of an Incident Which Took Place in Lilanda [involving members of the Eastern Revolt] (1974)
Statement of MPLA Executive [against any single faction holding an MPLA Congress] (1974)
Statement of MPLA Executive [on Portugal's recognition of the colonies' right to independence] (1974)
MPLA Communique [on Portugal's refusal to negotiate with the MPLA] (1974)
MPLA Proclamation [on the eve of victory] (1974)
Final Declaration of the Inter-regional Conference of MPLA Militants (1974)
President Agostinho Neto's Message to the Angolan People on the Occasion of the Opening of an MPLA Office in Luanda (1974)
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


6 July 2024: Added to the Swedish August Thalheimer Internet Archive:

Criticism of the draft program of the Communist International, 1928
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


5 July 2024: Added to the Isaac Deutscher Archive:

The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-1967, 1967
[Thanks to Paul Flewers]


5 July 2024: Added to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) Archive :

MPLA Steering Committee: Press Communique (1965)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU Council of Ministers (1965)
MPLA Memorandum to the Committee of Three (1966)
MPLA Memorandum to the OAU Council of Foreign Ministers (1966)
Speech by Dr. Agostinho Neto: A message to companions in the struggle (1968)
Speech of Dr. Agostinho Neto to the 3rd Conference of Non-aligned Countries (1970)
Agostinho Neto Answers 13 Questions (1971)
MPLA: Facts and Documents (1972)
OAU on Meeting of Reconciliation Between MPLA and FNLA (1972)
Comrade President Agostinho Neto Interviewed by Revolution Africaine (1973)
[Thanks to Paul Saba]

5 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

May Day and the International (May 1918)
Report on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Red Army (March 1919)
Thoughts on the Progress of the Proletarian Revolution (April 1919)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

A Socialist Strategy for Western Europe (1965)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Archive:

Draft Resolution for the Fourth Congress of the Comintern on the Question of the Programme of the Communist International (November 1922)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 July 2024: Added to the new Swedish Communist International Internet Archive:

H Arvidsson, L Berntson: The Communist International. Short history (1970)
First Congress - Documents [all Docs in PDF format] (1919)
Second Congress - Documents (1920)
Third Congress - Documents (1921)
Fourth Congress - Documents (1922)
Fifth Congress - Documents (1924)
Sixth Congress - Documents (1928)
Georgi Dimitrov: Speeches at the Seventh Congress(1935)
The dissolution of the Comintern is announced (1943)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 July 2024: Created a new subsection in the Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line entitled: The RU in the Indochina Peace Campaign (IPC)/Indochina Solidarity Committee (ISC) and added the following documents: :

Letter from the IPC Standing Committee to members and friends on the crisis in the New York IPC/ISC and RU
Letter announcing and explaining the closing of IPC
Letter to Vietnamese comrades explaining the crisis in and closing of IPC
Indochina Solidarity Committee Newsletter issued by NY RU forces
Preliminary Report of the Working Committee of the Coalition to Reclaim the Indochina Resources
RU Cadre Effects on Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization
[Thanks to Brendan Campisi and Paul Saba]


2 July 2024: Added to the Samora Moïsès Machel Archive :

Education in the Revolution, Mozambique Revolution, Number 57, October-December 1973
Peace is inseparable from independence, Mozambique Revolution, Number 59, April-June 1974
'You Don't Ask a Slave If He Wants to Be Free', Mozambique Revolution, Number 59, April-June 1974
Speech to the OAU on its 10th Anniversary, 1974
Message on the Occasion of the Resumption of Armed Struggle in Zambezia Province 1974
The Weapons that Brought Us Victory, Mozambique Revolution, July-August 1974
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


1 July 2024: Added to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) Archive :

MPLA Steering Committee Communique (1964)
MPLA at the Cairo Conference (1964)
MPLA: Appeal to the Congo-Leopoldville Government and the OAU (1964)
MPLA Press Communique [on the crisis of GRAE] (1964)
MPLA Press Communique [further on the crisis of GRAE] (1964)
The MPLA Recognized by the OAU's Africa Liberation Committee (1964)
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


1 July 2024: Added to the Swedish Poulantzas Archive:

Political Power and Social Classes (1968)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: