Joseph Hansen

Case of Ilse Koch

(11 October 1948)

Source: The Militant, Vol. 12 No. 41, 11 October 1948, p. 4.
Transcription/HTML Markup: 2022 by Einde O’Callaghan.
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An outraged Senatorial committee is going to probe and investigate the justice dispensed by the U.S. Military Government in Germany. And why are Wall Street’s Congressmen indignant and angered? It seems that the Brass entrusted with commuting sentences of imprisoned Nazis, commuted one too many at a time Congressmen do not appreciate: namely, the time voters go to the polls.

The cause of it all is none other than Ilse Koch, widow of a commandant at Buchenwald concentration camp, who is not the type you will generally And teaching a Sunday School class; in fact she is known for short as “The Beast.”

At Nuremburg Court last summer, the American prosecution described how she had inmates beaten to death and how her devotion to Nazi culture lead her to making lampshades and wall plaques out of tattooed skin from murdered prisoners as well as covering the family album in the same material.

She was scheduled to be dropped from a beam with a rope around her neck. But an accident occurred, most mortifying to all concerned expect Frau Koch. “The Beast” by some hook or crook, obviously done to cheat justice, turns up for sentence decidedly pregnant, though how she got that way in prison under the vigilant eyes of the American generals, judges, prosecutors and guards is a mystery that is still unsolved and which maybe not even a Senatorial probing and investigating committee can. unravel.

Naturally she can’t be hanged in that condition. The generals, judges, prosecutors and guards have been outwitted and all they can do is admit defeat and let “The Beast” off with a lifetime sentence. So she goes into deep freeze with other Nazis who might suffer harm and annoyance from the German citizenry if turned loose too soon.

It is while lightening the sentences of the latest batch of top-drawer Nazis in connection with getting up the new puppet government in Wtestern Germany that the Brass discover “The Beast” has been wronged and injured.

The Koch family album bound in tattooed human skin can no longer be viewed among the prosecution’s exhibits, as it has been misplaced or pilfered. That leaves as the most damaging evidence nothing but the unanimous testimony of former Buchenwald prisoners. Since “The Beast” flatly denies this testimony and claims that the wall plaques and lampshades of human skin found in her apartment don’t belong to her, how can she be guilty?

The red-headed Nazi widow is really only a nymphomaniac, which means her love life is intensive, extensive and not what you’d call normal. She is sadistic too. The military governors combing through the details of her case commute her sentence at one to four years so she can be paroled next year, thus fixing up the wrong done her by the Nuremburg Court.

This gives much comfort to the Nazis one and all since it shows how well the American Military Government understands and appreciates their type and how ready it is to forgive and forget in expectation of services to be rendered. But in Washington it pains Wall Street’s Congressmen no little as the news hits the headlines right on the eve of election. How are they going to explain a complex subject like this to the mothers and young American girls eligible to vote, not to mention the veterans told they were sent overseas to stamp out Hitlerism?

So they waste no time launching a probe and investigation, and their first important action is to inform the press what heights of indignation they have reached.

I am holding my breath waiting for the results of the probe since learning in the Oct. 2 Business Week that

“During the past year there has been a big shift in our attitude toward the Germans. We now regard them as allies in the conflict with Russia.” Seeing how this Nazi violet has become the symbol of Wall Street’s policy toward Germany, it looks like she’s pretty safe.


Last updated on: 29 March 2023