Wicks Calls Seamen to Support Militant Colombia Strikers

Wicks Calls Seamen to Support Militant Colombia Strikers

Source: Daily Worker, December 10, 1928
Transcription/Markup: Paul Saba
Copyleft: Internet Archive (marxists.org) 2018. Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document under the terms of the Creative Commons License.

H. M. Wicks, acting editor of the Daily Worker, last night addressed an audience of seamen and longshoremen on “The Colombian Strike Against American Imperialism,” at the International Seamen’s Club, 28 South St. In his speech, Wicks declared that the strike of the Colombian workers was a strike against the American imperialists and capitalists, on whose concessions the enslaved Colombian workers had been employed. He attacked the role of the American imperialists, who had through their puppet, President Mendes, passed the vicious anticommunist laws in the country, and brought out bayonets and guns against the striking workers. He ended with the declaration that American workers would stand by their Colombian comrades in their struggle against American imperialist aggression. Two other speakers, Albert Moreau, director of the Latin American department of the All-America Anti-Imperialist League, and George Mink, secretary of the International Seamen ’s Club, also explained the situation in Colombia to the seamen gathered at the club.