Alberto Moreau

Capitalist Press Lies About Sandino

Source: Daily Worker, July 31, 1928
Transcription/Markup: Paul Saba
Copyleft: Internet Archive ( 2018. Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document under the terms of the Creative Commons License.

With the approaching elections in Nicaragua, the Wall Street Government at Washington is at an impasse. It is meeting with two great difficulties impossible to overcome. The indifference of the Nicaraguan masses towards the coming elections as manifested by the lack of interest for the American financier candidates and the ever growing popularity and strength of Sandino’s army of independence.

Nicaraguans Resent Intervention

The Nicaraguan masses have no illusions as to the sincerity of American interference in the coming elections in Nicaragua. They deeply resent the presence of the American marines and their officials who are determined to enforce the will of Wall Street by giving no choice to vote for any but candidates approved by Washington. As a result, the workers and peasants of that country are taking the attitude of absolute indifference towards the coming elections. Thus the American government is alarmed at the frightful result that such an attitude might bring about. It is at present unable to cope with the situation.

U. S. Workers Fight Intervention

Furthermore, General Sandino and his army are becoming more and more popular, not only in the Latin American countries but also in the United States, the metropolis of ruthless imperialism. The militant workers of this country have incessantly manifested their disapproval of the presence of the American marines in Nicaragua, condemning the cold blooded murder of hundreds of Nicaraguans and the ruthless destruction of their farms and villages by the orders of the Government of J. P. Morgan & Co. They manifested their condemnation at mass meetings organized by the Workers Communist Party and the U. S. Section of the All-America Anti-Imperialist League.

The oppressed masses of Latin America look upon Sandino’s army of liberation as the starting point which eventually will liberate them from the yoke of American imperialism. Financial and material support is being rushed to the camps of Sandino from everywhere. The report of Gustavo Machado, who arrived in Mexico after a four-months’ stay at Sandino’s camp, is an inspiration to the millions of the oppressed masses of the two continents. The morale of the army is unshaken. General Sandino has cognizance of the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers in the U. S. are with him.

While the Daily Worker carries the accurate news of the arrival of Gustavo Machado in Mexico, bringing Sandino’s message of his unshaken faith for the struggle which will rid Nicaragua of the presence of the American financial bandits the capitalist press carries the false news of Sandino’s disappearance and the surrender of his army. The Washington Government is at an impasse and this is the cause for the lies spread by the kept press. The Nicaraguan masses are determined to fight American interference and their two weapons at present are: Sandino’s army and an absolute indifference to Wall Street’s elections.