Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Index to Class Struggle

EROL Introduction: Class Struggle was the theoretical journal, first of the October League (Marxist-Leninist), and subsequently of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist).

Issue #1, Spring 1975


Introducing Class Struggle
Letter from Harry Haywood to the POC
Critique of James Boggs: “American Exceptionalism” or Scientific Socialism
Self-Determination is our Revolutionary Policy
The Story of the Great Pullman Strike
The Woman Question and Party Building
The Rise of the Third World and the Decline of Hegemonism (reprinted from Peking Review)
Angela Davis Autobiography: The Black Masses Make History, the Revisionists Distort It
Interview with Swedish Communist: The Restoration of Capitalism and the Rise of Social-Imperialism in the USSR


Issue #2, Summer 1975

Editor’s Notes: OL Holds Third Congress
Chicano Liberation
Report from China on Studying and Upholding the Dictatorship of the Proletariat by Dan Burstein
Critique of Red Papers 7: Metaphysics Cannot Defeat Revisionism by Martin Nicolaus
“Workers’ Viewpoint”: Spreading the Viewpoint of the Bourgeoisie
Reformist and Revisionist Trade Unions in the Service of the Bourgeoisie by Filip Kota


Issue #3, Winter 1976

Editor’s Notes
“On to the Party, Build the Weekly Call by Michael Klonsky
Capitalism is a System of Crisis and War by Dan Burstein
A Century of Struggle on the New Orleans Docks
The Guardian’s Man in Havana: An Exposure of Centrism by Martin Nicolaus
“The Boshevization of the Press” [Communist International document]


Issue #4-5, Spring-Summer 1976

’Revolutionary Wing’ or Anti-Party Bloc? by Sherman Miller
Angola: the Guardian’s Treachery by Carl Davidson
Breaking with ’Local Circle Mentality’ in the Fight Against Revisionism by Clay Claiborne
On Building the Party Among the Masses by the League for Marxist-Leninist Unity
Taking Class Struggle as the Key Link: China’s Continuing Cultural Revolution by Eileen Klehr
On the Degeneration of the CPUSA in the 1950s by Harry Haywood [excerpt from Black Bolshevik]

Issue #6, Winter 1976-77, “Eternal Glory to Mao Tsetung”


Memorial Speech by Comrade Hua Kuo-feng
’The Party is Our Heroic Warrior’ by a Chicago Marxist-Leninist Study Group
’The Class Struggle is By No Means Over’ by Eileen Klehr
’The World is Being Turned Upside Down’ by Dan Burstein
’We Demand the Unity of Politics and Art’ by Trisha Renaud
A Tribute to a Revolutionary Leader/Teacher (poem)
’Young People are the Most Active and Vital Force’ by the Communist Youth Organization
Glory to Mao Tsetung!
’I Place My Hopes on the People of the U.S.’
Eternal Glory to Chairman Mao (poem)
The Brilliant Work of Comrade Mao Tsetung is Immortal (reprinted from Zeri i Popullit)
Chairman Mao, We Will Always Remember You (Chinese reprint)
The Masses Make History
’Grasping Revolution, Promoting Production’ (reprinted from the Chinese People’s Daily)
A Great Historic Victory (reprinted from the Chinese press)

Issue #7, Spring 1977


Continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to the end by Hua Kuo-feng
Whitewashing enemies and slandering friends. An exposure of the RCP’s revisionist line on the international situation by Eileen Klehr
The question of which class rules decides everything. A review of Martin Nicolaus sham criticism and real defense of Soviet Revisionism by Carl Davidson
Nationalist reformism disguised as Marxism. A polemic against the political line of the August 29th Movement by Barry Litt
Build the communist press by Fighting Revisionism. Speech by Michael Klonsky
Build the communist press by Fighting Revisionism. Speech by Dan Burstein
Poland’s communists will defeat revisionist rule
Gaining clarity on our communist tasks. A self-criticism by the League for Marxist-Leninist Unity


Issue #8, Fall 1977

China’s New Leap Forward is a Victory for Us All. Interview with Michael Klonsky
Toasts of Solidarity in Peking. Speeches by Li Hsien-nien and Michael Klonsky
Chairman Mao on Dialectics. An excerpt from Volume Five of Selected Works
How RCP’s ’Theory of Equality’ Serves Soviet Social-Imperialism by Eileen Klehr
Waging Class Struggle in the Trade Unions. A summary of the October League’s labor campaign by Ruth Gifford
Building the Factory Cell. A Party unit’s sum-up by Mary Wexler
The Guardian’s Man in Chicago: Exposing Nicolaus’ phony critique of ’centrism’ by the Boston Class Struggle Writing Group
Lessons in the Struggle for Communist Unity. An Article from the Marxist-Leninists in Belgium


Issue #9, Spring 1978

Revolutionary Poems
The Present Crisis: A Condemnation of Capitalism by Michael Klonsky
The CPUSA is a Reactionary Force for War by Eileen Klehr
Eurorevisionism: The New Face of Treachery in the Second World by Dan Burstein
The CPUSA and Black Workers in the 1950s by Paul Elitzik
How the RCP Defends Chauvinism and Anti-Party Blocs by ’An Observer’
The Yokinen Trial: Uniting Communists Against Chauvinism in the Early 1930s. An excerpt from Black Bolshevik by Harry Haywood
There is No ’Mystique’ About Marxism-Leninism. A reprint from The Australian Communist


Issue #10, Summer 1978, “Special First Anniversary Issue”

’Our Party Stands for Revolution’. Speech by CPML Chairman Michael Klonsky
’Our Two Parties Are Bound Together’. Speech by AKPML Chairman Pal Steigan
Art Must Serve the People
First Anniversary Solidarity Messages
Kampuchea Takes the Socialist Road. An Interview with Dan Burstein, Editor of the Call
Chairman Mao on Democratic Centralism. A newly reprinted speech given in 1962


Issue #11, Winter 1979

Black Power and the Fight for Socialism. Speech by Harry Haywood
The National Question and Party-Building. Speech by Michael Klonsky
White Workers Speak Out
Hawaii: Paradise or Prison for Nationalities? By Dan Kiyomura
The Freedom Fight in the Black Belt South. Interview with Dr. Howard Gunn of the United League
Lessons from the Gary Tyler Campaign by Shadrach Harris
Six Factors Necessary for Victory in the War of Resistance Against Vietnam’s Aggression by Pol Pot, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Kampuchea


Issue #12, Summer 1979

Vietnam’s Vietnam. Background to the Invasion of Kampuchea by Dan Burstein
Hoxhaism or Leninism? A Review of Enver Hoxha’s ’Imperialism and the Revolution’ by a Chicago Study Group
The Fight for a Single Party. Lessons for today from the struggle for Communist unity after World War I by Barry Litt
Taking Up the Woman Question. Work Summary of CPML Factory Organizers
Germany and the Three Worlds. An interview with Christian Semier, Chairman of the KPD


Issue #13, Summer 1980

Questions on Our International Line
Summing Up the CPML’s Experiences in Trade Union Work by Charles Costigan
Moving On: Facts from the 70s, Lessons for the 80s by the Proletarian Unity League
On the National Question. The Struggle for a Scientific Materialist Approach to Black Liberation in the U.S. by Mohammed Ahmed (Max Stanford)
Notes on Soviet Penetration in Latin America by Jorge Calderon