Section C: MISC. BULLETINS AND DOCUMENTS of the Workers Party and ISL Volumes 13, 14, 15, and 16. Volume 13 Constitution of the Workers Party: 1 Before 1946 7 Recommendations to the 1946 convention by National Committee 12 Constitution adopted by 1946 convention 22 Recommendations to the 1949 convention by National Committee 24 1940: Resolution on the Aims, the Tasks and the Structure of the Party 29 1940: New York City Program of Action -- May 1 to Sept. 15, 1940 34 1940: City Convention Bulletin - Local New York, Workers Party -- Nov. 31[sic]-Dec. l, 1940. Report of the City Committee 65 1940 International Bulletin. No. l. (American Committee for the Fourth International): 66 Statement by American Committee for the Fourth International: Declaration on the Fourth International (Brown, Anthony, Alberts, Trent) 68 Summation of Asiatic-Colonial Tour (Sherman Stanley) 69 Report on Ceylon (Sherman Stanley) 72 Political Situation in India Today (August 1940)(Sherman Stanley) 77 Report on France (MH) 84 Resolution of the Brazilian Section 86 1941: May Negro Bulletin. No. l. (Workers Party) 87 Editorial 88 Suggestions on the Negro Work of the Party During the Coming Period (National Nergro Committee) 91 Hour to Hold the Interest of New Recruits (H. Pelham) 92 Jobs for Negroes. The lessons of the Harlem bus boycott 93 The War in Africa. What is at stake. 94 Note (Editor) 95 The Great African War for "Democracy" 97 1941: City Convention Bulletin -- Local New York, Workers Party. No. 2. June 14-June 15, 1941 98 Report on Educational Work (Paul Temple) 104 Literature Report (G. Zola) 110 Report of the Negro Work Director (Tom Brown) 115 Proposals for Reorganization of Branches (City Committee) 120 We Must Change Our Orientation (M.W.) 127 Lessons Offered for Our Study in the Field of Negro Work (Tom Brown) 130 1941: Sep. 30 Resolution on the Negro Question (for submission to Second National Convention) (Political Committee) 135 1941: The Trade Unions and the Tasks of the Party. (Submitted to the Second National Convention) [Political Committee?] 139 1941: Sep. 19 Proposals on Education, Press and Finances. (For submission to the Second National Convention) (Political Committee) 142 1941: Sep. 5 Political Resolution. (For submission to the Second National Convention) (Political Committee) 155 1941: Sep. 19 Report on Work of the Workers Party from the First to the Second National Convention. For subm. to Second Natl. Convention) (Political Committee) 166 1941 The Class Nature of the Soviet Union and the Tasks of the Revolutionary Socialists. [Draft resolution] (J. Carter, M. Garrett, P. Temple, F. Demby, R. Nevins) 171 1941: Sep. 19 Resolution on the Russian Question. [Draft resolution] (J. R. Johnson) 184 1943: Jul. 23 [Circ. Letter) To All Members of the Club (Excerpts from a letter by Lund) 189 1943: Sep. 19 The Objective Basis of Our [Failure] to Recruit (Blake Lear) 197 [1944?] The Turn Toward a Mass Party (E. Lund) 206 1944: Apr. 27 [Circ. Letter] To All NC Members (Max Shachtman) 207 1944: [Summer] On the Supreme Court Decision on the Texas Primaries: 207 (Statement] (Max Shachtman) 210 Recommendations re Supreme Court Decision on Texas Primaries (H. Allen) 212 Negroes and the Southern Primaries (David Coolidge) 215 Amendment to the Negro Resolution (J.R. Johnson) 218 1944: Jul-Aug. Toward a Party Perspective (Ernest Lund) 221 Part I. 236 Part II. Role of the Workers Party in the New Epoch 249 Part III. The Political-Organizational Steps Toward a Mass Party 263 Part IV. (For NC Only) Some Proposals on Party Leadership 274 1944: Oct. 23 [Letter] (Ernest Lund) 277 1944: Nov. 6 Information Bulletin. A letter from France (James Fenwick) Volume 14 280 1944: Dec. Information Bulletin 281 The Meeting of the National Committee of the Workers Party (Shachtman) 298 Plan for Full Employment at a Living Wage. Draft (Ernest Lund) 299 [Letter] (Ernest Lund) 301 Supplement by National Labor Committee (David Coolidge) 304 1944: Oct. City Convention Report [New York] 313 1945: Mar. Information Bulletin 314 A Statement of the Jewish Problem (Eugene Vaughn) 331 1945: Apr. Information Bulletin1 332 [Discussion of formation of youth group] 339 1945: [Mar.?] To the Delegates to the National Convention of the Young People's Socialist League in Detroit. A letter of greetings from the Workers Party 343 1945 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 1 343 [Note] (David Coolidge) 345 Problems of Party Education (E. Lund) 356 1945 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 2 356 The Task Before the Party (M. Shachtman) 368 1945: Jul. 17 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 3 369 Technique of Recruitment (G.J.) 372 More Socialism in Paper. (R. Stone) 375 Trade Union Unity — A Problem for Our Party (S. Green) 378 1945: Jul. 19 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 4 379 Organizational Report (A. Gates) 390 Financial Report (M. Bell) 395 1945: Jul. 24 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 5 396 On the Kind of Party We Are Building (E. Lund) 404 The Party Core: Leadership and Our Lack of Forces (E. Lund) 411 Transitional Program and the Labor Party Slogan (D. Corbin) 413 On the Formation of a Cadre Party (A. Findley) 415 1945: Jul. 30 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 6 416 The Character and Perspectives of the Party Today (M. Shachtman) 427 1945: Jul. 30 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 7 427 Labor Action and Recruitment (Albert Gates) 432 1945: Jul. 31 Active Workers Conference. Bulletin No. 8 432 The Tasks of the Party in the Trade Unions (David Coolidge) 444 [1945?] Bulletin. On the Negro Question. (David Coolidge) 473 [1945] [Report on Negro work in Buffalo) (David Coolidge) 480 [1945] Education, Propaganda, Agitation. Post-War America and Bolshevism (J. R. Johnson) 506 [1945] [A thesis on the U.S.; no title] (Harry Allen) 536 1945: Aug. Conference Proceedings [Active Workers Conference] 541 1945: Aug. [Letters, between M. Shachtman and Robert Sherman] 545 1945: Aug. 22 (Circ. Letter: fund drive) (Max Shachtman) [No page number] 1945: [Correspondence on WP-SWP Unity]: 549 Shachtman (WP) to Cannon (SWP), 15 Sep. 1945 554 Cannon to Shachtman, 28 Aug. 1945 558 Shachtman (WP) to SWP; 4 Oct. 1945 563 Morrow (SWP Minority) to Shachtman, 15 Nov. 1945 564 Shachtman to Morrow, 27 Nov. 1945 566 1945: [Circ.Letter] 16 Nov. 1945 (Shachtman) 566 (Letter to SWP leaders) 28 Aug. 1945 (Natalia Trotsky … 569 Statement by Cannon, 25 Sep. 1945 Volume 15 570 1945: Dec. 12 [Letter on role of SWP in Los Angeles fight against G.L.K. Smith, to WP National Office) (Hal Draper) 1946: [Correspondence on WP-SWP Unity]: 582 Letter from the West Coast [Barney to Lydia], Jan. 7, 1946 585 Letter to European Executive of the Fourth International Jan. 20, 1946 (National Committee, Workers Party) 590 [Shachtman to Robert Ferguson] Feb. 26, 1946 593 [Al Goldman to Oscar, Feb. 26, 1945] 595 [Shachtman to Al Goldman] Feb. 28, 1946 600 [Shachtman to Al Goldman] Mar. 26, 1946 610 "The WP wants to come in just to split again. How do we know they're sincere?" (SWP Minority) 615 1946: Jan. 19 Resolution on the Role and Tasks of the Party in the Trade Unions (Coolidge) 619 1946: Apr. 13 [Circ. Letter, on the Reuther program] (Max Shachtman) 624 1946: Dec. 1 [Circ. Letter, on 8-page Labor Action, including resolution] (Shachtman, Gould) 633 1946: The Russian Question. Resolutions of the 1941 Convention on the Character of the Russian State. (Basic Documents. Series No. 1) (National Education Dept., Workers Party) 675 1946 The Labor Party Question. Resolutions of 1938 and 1944 on the Relationship of the Marxists to the Movement for a Labor Party. (Basic Documents. Series No. 2) (National Education Dept., Workers Party) 701 1946: Fourth National Convention of the Workers Party -- May 27-31, 1946 701 Minutes 736 Convention Agenda 743 Resolution on the French Constitutional Referendum 745 International Resolution Amendment (Hall, Wilson) 747 Declaration on the Resolution on the U.S. [Majority] 756 Report on Education (Erber) 760 Practical Work and Organizational Tasks (Coolidge) 764 Resolution on the Negro Question (Saul Berg) 768 Amendments to Erber Resolution on Jewish Question 775 Draft Resolution on the Jewish Question (E. & A. Findley) 776 Constitution of the Workers Party and Rules and By-Laws 781 1946: Resolution on the U.S. (edited version -- adopted by the convention) 804 [1946] The New Dues System 812 [1946] [Letter to N.C] (Jones, Buffalo) 814 1946: May 26 Resolution on the International Conference of the Fourth International (J.R. Johnson) 815 1946: May 26 Resolution on the F.I. and the I.K.D. (J.R. Johnson) 817 1946: May 16 Amendment to Majority Resolution on International Question (Bill Barton) 818 1946 Some Comments on Comrade Erber's Proposed Resolution on the Jewish Question (Jessie Kaaren) 823 [1946] Amendment to the N.C. Resolution on the U.S. (Draper) . 831 1946: May 22 Internal Bulletin -- For Members Only. Vol. 1, No. 1 [No more pub.] 833 Material re Conduct of Comrade Ria Stone at Pre-Convention Discussion Meeting at the Newark Branch 843 One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward (Irving Marnin) 850 Statement of Philadelphia City Committee Minority (Marnin, Allen, Dabiels) 855 The Case of J.K. (or) An Experiment with a "Small Mass Party" (Marnin) 859 The Johnson Line in Practice (Majority, Phila. City Exec. Com.) 866 1946: Apr. 22 Report on UAW Convention (David Coolidge) 870 1946: Apr. 29 [Circ. Letter, on fund drive] (Nathan Gould) 874 1946: Draft Resolution on the Jewish Question (Ed Findley, Al Findley) 880 1947: Minutes of the Active Workers Conference of the Workers Party, Nov. 8-9, 1947 887 1947: Aug. 11 Statement on Unity with the Socialist Workers Party and the Extraordinary Party Convention (Political Committee) 893 1947: Nov. 5 Unity and the Fourth International (E. R. McKinney) 910 1947: Sep. 25 Tasks of the Party in the Present Situation (Political Committee) 923 1947: Nov. 4 Amendment to Tasks and Perspectives of the Party (Cleveland Branch) 924 1947: Oct. 17 Program of Action for the Party (Political Committee) 930 1947: Oct. 13 The S.W.P. Minority's Statement on Entry into the W.P. 934 1947: Statement of Policy for UAW Fraction [E.R. McKinney] 939 1947: Jan. 10 The Situation in the Maritime Unions (E.R. McKinney) Volume 16 944 1947: Jan. 2 City Convention -- Now York Local, Workers Party -- February 2nd, 1947. The New York City Committee Tenders Its Report on Past Work and on Perspectives -- January through December 1946 960 [1947] Outline for Campaign on Prices. How We Carry Out and Apply the Party Line on Price Control. Price campaign Circular No. 1 (E.R. McKinney) 968 1947: Mar. 8 [Circ. Letter, on WP~SWP Unity] (Max Shachtman) 1949: Mar. Fifth National Convention 985 Agenda 989 Convention Rules 990 Changes proposed by NC to Constitution 992 Report for the NC on the International Resolution (Hal Draper) 1002 1948: Dec. Resolution on the Reconstruction of the Socialist International (P.C.) 1004 [1949?] Amendments to the P.C. Trade Union Resolution (J. Wallis) 1011 [1949?] Amendments to the Trade Union Resolution of the P.C. (?) 1012 1948-49 Regional Rranch Reports 1012 1949: Mar. Buffalo Report 1019 1949: Jan. 11 Report on West Virginia Branch (McDermott) 1024 1949: Mar. 22 Report on Chicago 1029 1949: Feb. 5 Philadelphia Branch Report (Frank Harper) 1032 1948: Nov. Branch Report: St. Louis (Andy Martin) 1034 1948: Nov. Report on the San Francisco Bay Area Branch (Gordon Haskell) 1045 1951: Jun. 11 [Circ. Letter] Re: Amendment to the Resolution on the U.S. (A. Gates) 1048 1951: Jun. 26 [Letter introducing draft resolutions for convention]: 1049 The Unions in a Period of Mobilization [Political Committee] 1057 On the War Resolution (H.D. Coleman) 1061 Toward Effective Democracy in the ISL (Wallis et al.) 1075 assorted 1957 documents 1075 1957: Feb. 11 Memorandum on Our Perspective and Orientation in the Matter of Socialist Unity (with covering letter) 1080 1957 Convention Schedule 1082 1957 On Changes in Our Press (Gordon Haskell) 1086 1957 Against the Draft Resolution of the PC Majority (Newark Branch) 1090 1957 A Point of View (J. McBride) 1094 1957 Amendment to Resolution on Perspectives for American Socialism, Part I(Ray Walsh & D. Meier) 1096 1957 Amendments to Section 1 of Socialist Perspectives in the U.S. (as amended by the PC Meeting July 2) 1957 ISL National Convention. Summaries of reports: Discussion on Unity with the Socialist Party: 1097 Report by Max Shachtman for the Majority 1098 Report by Gordon Haskell for the Minority 1098 Summary Speech by Haskell 1099 Summary Speech by Shachtman Discussion on Socialist Political Action: 1100 From: Report by Beri Hall for the Majority 1101 From: Report by Hal Draper for Minority On Arms to Hungary: 1103 Report for Minority Amendment by Hal Draper 1107 1957: Sep. 30 [Letter by Max Shachtman to Socialist Party, on unity] 1111 1957: Sep. 30 [Circ. Letter, Gates, Bottone] 1112 1957: Sep.-Oct. [Correspondence between Max Shachtman and Norman Thomas, on SP entry] 1119 1958-59 Leninism, the Comintern and Putschism. A contribution to a discussion. [Reply to Shachtman's article "American Communism: A Re-examination of the Past" in New International, Fall 1957 (Julius Falk) INDEPENDENT SOCIALIST MIMEOGRAPHIA SUPPLEMENT The following items were acquired after the main list was sent out. Sec. C: MISC. BULLETINS AND DOCUMENTS C01 1940: [June?] Supplement to Information Bulletin No. 8 C02 Statement of Resignation of James Burnham C07 Statement of the Political Committee on Resignation ... C10 1941: Sep. 19 Resolution on the Russian Question (M. Shachtman et al.) C24 1942: Dec. On the Transitional Program Today and Our Need of Basic Socialist Propaganda (E. Lund) C30 1945: Oct City Convention Report [N.Y.C.] C39 1945: Dec 19 City Convention, New York Local. Bulletin No. 3 C40 The Crisis in the New York Party (V. Jensen) C44 On the City Committee Report and the Need for a Political Perspective (F. Forest} C49 1957: Sep.-Nov. [Correspondence between Norman Thomas & Max Shachtman] C49 [Covering Letter, Shachtman to R. Bloom, 15 Nov.] C50 Thomas to Shachtman, 20 Sep. C51 Shachtman to Thomas, 1 Oct. C57 Thomas to Shachtman, 8 Oct. ==================================================================