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Albert Goldman

FDR’s War Drive Makes Twice-Weekly
Even More Urgent!

(18 May 1940)

From Socialist Appeal, Vol. IV No. 20, 18 May 1940, p. 1.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

When one contemplates the tremendous tasks facing our party at the present moment, not even the publication of the Appeal twice a week is sufficient.

When Hitler decided to invade Holland and Belgium, and thus furnished the American ruling class with a better pretext for entering the conflict, he also made the twice a week Appeal an imperative necessity.

The masses from now on will be under tremendous pressure exerted by the rulers of this country in order to make them change their attitude to the war.

They are now against participation in the imperialist conflict. But their hatred and fear of fascism is great indeed and understandable. The task of Roosevelt and of all varieties of liberals and social-democrats is made a thousand times easier because they can play upon this fear of the masses of Hitler and everything that he represents.

Who will explain to the masses the only correct method of fighting fascism? The duty devolves on us.

And to do that we must strengthen our forces. To do that we must surely increase the power of our press.

The first step is to double the propaganda power of our main propaganda instrument, the Socialist Appeal.

Our members and our sympathizers have this primary task – to assure the publication of the Appeal twice a week by their financial support.

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