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Albert Goldman

Against Capitalist Military Training
Conscription Bills

(10 August 1940)

From Socialist Appeal, Vol. IV No. 32, 10 August 1940, p. 4.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghanfor ETOL.

Are we for or against the Burke-Wadsworth conscription bill? One thousand percent against it.

Not because of any particular clauses contained in it; not because it is a measure introduced in time of peace and thus violates American tradition. But because it is a measure introduced by a capitalist government for the purpose of defending the imperialist interests of American capitalism.

If our party had a representative in Congress he would vote against any conscription bill introduced by any representative of the capitalist class because it could have as its purpose only the defense of the interests of the capitalist class.

We are bitterly opposed to the capitalist class and to its government and we are opposed to any measure introduced for the defense of that class and that government.

* * *

But we are for military training. We want workers to be trained in the use of arms. We have nothing in common with the pacifists. Our opposition to conscription is not based on the fantastic idea that somehow or other military training is bad for the character of an individual and bad for some kind of an abstract democracy.

We want to see every worker skilled in the use of weapons so that he can help defend the interests of his class.

If any pacifist speaks before a gathering of workers and tries to convince them that they should oppose military training, the revolutionary worker should ask him: “What do you want us to do? Do you want us to be drafted during a war (as we shall inevitably be regardless of your pacifist mouthings) and be sent into the trenches without military training? Do you want us to stand up against the trained thugs of the capitalist class not knowing how to use modern weapons?”

Anyone with half an eye can see that we are now living in a period of war and militarism and the intelligent worker realizes that the working class can meet its enemies only if it is prepared in a military sense.

And it is because we understand the enormous necessity of military training for the workers that we stress that point.

Determined to make every worker see the necessity of military training our emphasis will be on that aspect of the question. Every worker should know that our opposition to the conscription bill is not motivated by pacifist considerations. Every worker should know that we want the workers to be trained in military technique.

We Were Wrong on R.O.T.C.

In my opinion we made a serious mistake in the past on the question of our opposition to the Reserve Officers Training Corps at the colleges. The student youth who then were the majority of the youth in our party had all the pacifist characteristics connected with the left wing of the social-democrats. Our agitation against the R.O.T.C. was largely pacifist in character.

This section of the student youth did not see then, as they do not see even now, the necessity of emphasizing the need for military training for every worker and every student who wants to participate in the revolutionary movement.

But then the question arises as to how to get military training for the workers? As a revolutionary party opposed to military conscription by the capitalist state, but at the same time in favor of military training for the workers, we are obliged to propose a measure which would place the training of the workers under their own control.

Trade Unions Must Take Charge

What better means than to have organized labor take charge of training the workers in military science? It would be an easy matter for the trade unions to organize camps of their own where the workers would be trained under officers over whom they had complete control.

And so long as there is a, capitalist state able to draft workers for war, why should not that state furnish the funds to defray the expenses of workers’ training camps?

Will the capitalist government grant such a demand? That is immaterial and it depends upon how strong a movement is created around such a demand. Will the workers rally around such a demand? We do not know definitely until we try. Certainly such a demand will appear reasonable and necessary to every advanced worker. And above all it is bound to instill into the minds of many workers the necessity of military training for themselves and their class.

If Conscription is Adopted

Assuming that Congress passes some kind of a conscription bill, should advanced workers refuse to be conscripted?

Absolutely not. They should take their place amongst those conscripted just as they take their place among the workers who are exploited in the factories.

To be a conscientious objector is to read oneself out of the revolutionary movement. There is no place in that movement for people who cannot see the necessity of living with the masses whether in the factory or in the barracks.

No revolutionary worker should try to avoid conscription on the theory that he does not want to serve in a capitalist army.

And after having been drafted into the army the revolutionary worker is under an obligation to act in such a way as to gain the confidence of his fellow soldiers. It would be contrary to the interests of the revolutionary movement if he were to be marked and constantly punished for individual insubordination.

We are not in the army to show off our independent spirit. We are there because unfortunately the masses have not yet been won over to our ideas and while we are there we must try our best to make them believe in our ideas.

To be a skilful soldier and to fight for the interests of his fellow soldiers is the best method to achieve the position of leadership which every revolutionary worker should have in order best to serve the interests of the working classes.

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