International Working Men’s Association 1871

Resolution of the General Council Expelling Henri Louis Tolain from the International Working Men’s Association

Written: between April 22 and 25, 1871
Approved at the meeting of the General Council on April 25, 1871;
Source: the newspapers The Eastern Post, April 29, 1871;
Transcribed: for by Tony Brown.

The General Council of the I.W.M.A.

Considering the resolution of the Federal Council of the Paris Sections expelling Citizen Tolain from the Association because, after having been elected to the National Assembly as a representative of the Working Classes, he has deserted their cause in the most disgraceful manner; which resolution the General Council is called upon to confirm;

Considering that the place of every French member of the I.W.M.A. is undoubtedly on the side of the Commune of Paris and not in the usurpatory and counter-revolutionary Assembly of Versailles;

Confirms the resolution of the Paris Federal Council and declares that Citizen Tolain is expelled from the I.W.M.A.

The General Council was prevented from taking action in this matter sooner by the fact that the above resolution of the Paris Federal Council was laid before them, in an authentic shape, on the 25th April only.