Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Anti-Revisionism in Switzerland

In Switzerland (as in Belgium and Spain), the first anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations were formed in the opening stages of the polemic against modern revisionism. Unlike the general European experience where multiple organizations were the rule, Switzerland saw the early emergence of a single organization. Nonetheless, it had an inauspicious start as described by veteran activist Nils Andersson:

In Switzerland, the regrouping of the Marxist-Leninists took a particular turn: a political adventurer there created a Swiss communist party; it was necessary to know and expose his role as a provocateur, especially when the international press used him to create confusion with his statements.

He was unmasked very quickly and this attempt to infiltrate the young Marxist-Leninist movement failed. Because of this, the Organization of Swiss Communists (OSC) was created to respond to this provocation, but without doing the ideological and political work necessary for the constitution of a party. Nils Andersson, “The origins of the Marxist-Leninist movement in Europe,” Unity & Struggle, No. 28, September 2014

The tri-lingual nature of Swiss society is reflected in the richness of sources available but little of which finds an expression in the English language translation. This selection of material here provides a broad outline of the organizational development of Swiss anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninists from the early 1960s to their disappearance in the 1980s and the new organizations in the 21st century inspired by a Maoist perspective.

General Background Materials

Family Tree of Swiss Anti-Revisionism

The origins of the Marxist-Leninist movement in Europe by Nils Andersson

General Historical Materials

Notes on Révolution, Gibson and Vergès

Peiping Base in Paris - Slick Voice by Harry B. Ellis

Communist Party of Switzerland

Background Materials

Note on the Swiss Communist Party 1963-1967

Swiss Group breaks with Peking

Comrade Bulliard leaves us at the sound of General Guisan's march by Jean-Philippe Chenaux

Primary Materials

All for the Party

Evaluation of La Voix Ouvriere

Revisionism is not dead by Gerard Bulliard

Let Us Build by Gisele Lavivier

The Swiss CP Calls for Banishment of Nils Andersson

Statutes of the Swiss Communist Party

Criminals by Gerard Bulliard

The Superheating by Gerard Bulliard

New Year, New Phase by John Saunter

Our Support Given to the PCERML

Communist Party of Switzerland (Marxist-Leninist)

Background Materials

Notes on the Communist Party of Switzerland/Marxist–Leninist, 1963-1987

My journey is quite simple by Nils Andersson

Books and Activism by Anne Pitteloud

Exploded Memory review: Nils Andersson, the journey of an international activist by Pierre Jeanneret

January 31, 1967, I Leave Switzerland by Nils Andersson

Primary Materials